Luna loves to ride

Luna loves to ride!
Luna loves to ride!

Luna loves to ride.

Every time.

Just grab the keys.

Bang! She’s there.

Slight grin on her face, the head slightly tilted with the obvious question.
But at the same time, she’s sitting patiently. She knows she can’t go all the time.

“All right” I start to say, but she knows it before I form the first word – it’s amazing how well they can read our mind er, body language. Simply amazing.
Out to the leash she runs. And I mean runs. It’s only in the next room. We live in a small house.

Doesn’t matter to her, she runs!
Yes, we’ve learned to re-position the furniture and to “do without” certain items as they haven’t survived her puppyhood. But it was a good puppyhood and that’s another story.

Here, it’s all about the ride.

Luna LOVES to ride. Like a lot of dogs, I know. We see them out with their masters, basking in all that is Dogs Riding In Cars. Canine Nirvana. Caring only about what is right there, right then. Not worrying about yesterday, this morning or tomorrow. Just enjoying right now for what it is.

We should try to do the same in our lives. As you go through the mundane of your day, take a moment and try to lose yourself in the task- simply enjoy being there at that time doing the thing that you’re doing.

It makes you feel better to look at things like a dog every now and then.

Although I can attest to the fact that it is not better to act like a dog every now and then; sticking your head out the car window while you’re driving just gets you stared at; barking uncontrollably just gets you arrested and evaluated; sniffing around before you go just gets you a dirty nose at best…..;

Alright, alright! I might have gone too far there. But you get the idea.

Emulate. Don’t imitate.