Luna hates to have her feet touched






Luna hates to have her feet touched.
I find it odd. She loves attention, loves getting petted and belly rubbed, loves getting her ears scratched, but move your hand toward her feet and she immediately tightens up and either mouths your hand or gives a little growl warning that she don’ like that.
I have not a clue why, she’s been like that since she was a pup. Even the groomer let us know that Luna hates to have her feet touched, to the point that the groomer doesn’t feel comfortable touching them. Sadly, as a result, she doesn’t get her nails trimmed as often as she should have them done. The last time her nails were done we were at the vet for shots and I commented about the feet to the Dr. She decided that we should trim those toenails, so we did!
Of course, first I had to put a muzzle on her as Luna hates to have her feet touched; then I have to put her in a sort of full body hold, especially keeping her head upright and away from her feet; then the Dr. could trim her nails. It went fairly easy for the Dr. once we had Luna controlled and I’m sure the waiting patients and their owners were somewhat concerned but we explained the commotion once the visit was done.
It’s just that Luna is a very talkative dog. And Luna hates having her feet touched. Since she was in a lot of discomfort and stress she had to let everyone know about it. She was giving out the most plaintive, wailing whine I’ve ever heard coming from an uninjured dog. And, boy, it was loud!
Keep in mind that she was in no pain whatsoever; she was simply being groomed against her will and muzzled. With every new toenail being handled the whining would increase in volume and intensity! And the Dr. was trimming very quickly and efficiently, the whole event was over in a minute and Luna was smiling afterward as if nothing had happened. But from the sound of her wailing while it was being done you’d have thought we were torturing her!
I know, it’s pretty bad having to take your dog to the Vet to have her nails done. But what can I say? It’s not a deal-breaker for our relationship, that’s for sure.
It’s just Luna being Luna.
And Luna simply hates having her feet touched.